A Journey in Detroit

This is the story of Denise and Dennis Stafford’s recent move to Detroit’s West Side.

Cultivating Vibrant Communities

In the heart of Detroit, Michigan, where narratives of fear and isolation once dominated conversations, a quiet revolution is unfolding. Amidst tales of caution, reluctance to connect, and closed doors, homefront pioneers are rewriting the script for community life in our beloved city.

“When I told people I lived in Detroit, reactions ranged from shock to pity,” shares Denise Stafford, a new arrival on Detroit’s West Side.

Raising Vibrant Neighborhoods in Detroit can seem daunting, especially when met with skepticism and apprehension. “They won’t come to homes,” they say. “It’s too dangerous to open your shades,” others caution. “People won’t open their doors to neighbors,” echoes through the streets. Yet, against all odds, a different story is emerging.

As we embark on our second year in our new neighborhood, we’re witnessing a transformation. The elderly woman who once couldn’t attend devotional gatherings now sends heartfelt poems. August, the young girl across the street, insists on exchanging greetings every day. People are not just attending our gatherings; they’re actively participating in Ruhi Study Circles and embracing the spirit of community building, regardless of their religious affiliations.

The question arises: why the shift? The answer lies in the application of the current Nine Year Plan. As our dear friend Pat often reminds us, “You just have to act. Act…and get out of the way!” We see that the desire to foster vibrant communities is universal. It transcends boundaries and backgrounds. What’s essential is the willingness to act and a plan to make it happen. These things, with the vital help and encouragement of our fellow Bahá’ís from all over, are bringing about real change.

In cities and towns worldwide, including those where the challenges seem insurmountable, a desire for connection and community simmers beneath the surface. People long to come together, to collaborate, and to build something better. All they need is the call, the invitation to join hands with their neighbors and create a shared vision for the future.

Around the World

For more stories of community development, here is a recent documentary showcasing efforts of the worldwide Bahá’í community.

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